Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Introducing Poem of The Day May 24 aka dominant twin

I have always found it hard to give the artist in me room to breathe & grow. Even when employed in the arts, other duties and responsibilities have tended to demand, and receive, much of the oxygen due the artist.

crossing london, south-east
to west, or nyc, via bus on
and ferry from
the isle of staten
to the submerged train
south to north
harlem bound
or further back still
congo's cross to kissy
mm kissy kissy kissy....
focus now
accounts & timesheets,
fish & beer
passivity & laziness
all like the dominant
conjoined twin
conspired to deprive
the artist the requisite oxygen

Currently I commute 2 hours a day and have resolved to clear my thoughts of work and other responsibilities and jot (at least the beginnings of) a poem of the day. Luckily, I have just the blog to post them on/in/at?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best use of a commute I can think of!! - well apart from making wonderful things like your wife does when she is commuting. I need to take this past the admiration stage and be inspired to emulate you both I think. A bit difficult seeing as I drive to work but even so, there must be some space somewhere in any life to try and be creative?!?!